Aug 22-23, 2024 – Tamworth, NH

Aug 22, 2024 – Tamworth, NH

The weather was cool and cloudy when we pulled up stakes at Ellacoya SP to head to White Lake SP on the other side of Winnipesaukee. Stopping in Meredith, the folks at George’s Diner did a great job preparing and serving breakfast for us.

That afternoon we found a interesting general store but mostly hung around the campsite after doing a bit of local recognizance of the area.

Dinner was shrimp and sautéed zucchini and onions.

Aug 23, 2024 – Tamworth, NH

Mostly cloudy and chilly today, mid ‘60’s. Today we’d spend some time in Wolfeboro at the southeast corner of Lake Winnipesaukee. Wolfeboro claims the title of “The Oldest Summer Resort in America”, having been the location chosen for his summer home in 1763 by John Wentworth, the last colonial governor of New Hampshire.

Wolfeboro is a picturesque place and they are wise enough to have created plenty of parking in unobtrusive locations. Even so we struggled a bit to find parking even at 11:00 am. The lot we found was behind a restored railroad station just off Back Bay, a pretty pond that is connected to the lake.

Of course there’s lots of opportunity for retail therapy in town and we spent some time in that pursuit. One of the shops was Nordic Skier Sports that catered to Nordic skiers as well as bicyclists. The owner told us about their thirty kilometers of groomed ski trails. The trails include a new one on which they installed snow making equipment, an unusual feature for cross country ski trails. Since the trails are only about an hour from North Conway, a place we ski from each year, we might give them a try.

Lunchtime was soon upon us and we sought a place serving light fare overlooking the lake. We found it at the Downtown Grill where we sat on their second story balcony munching on nachos and sipping beverages. The balcony overlooked some downtown dockage and boats hovered around waiting for a spot to tie up to spend time in town.

View from Downtown Grill Patio

View from Downtown Grill Patio

Mount Washington Docks at Wolfeboro

Mount Washington Docks at Wolfeboro

As we finished eating we noticed musicians setting up in a gazebo in Cate Park just below our balcony. Bill sat down to listen, joined later by Sandy who’d needed just a bit more of that retail therapy. Peter Heimlich and The Unusual Suspects performed some well known tunes by Jimmy Buffet and Willy Nelson and other songs by New Hampshire musicians.

Peter Heimlich and The Unusual Suspects Perform in Wolfeboro’s Cate Park

Peter Heimlich and The Unusual Suspects Perform in Wolfeboro’s Cate Park

The band’s drummer/harmonica player had a unique bass drum. It was an old Samsonite suitcase rigged with a bass drum pedal and a microphone!

Yellow Jeep Celebrates Harris Democratic Presidential Nomination

Yellow Jeep Celebrates Harris Democratic Presidential Nomination

Dinner was hotdogs, baked beans and broccoli.  Quite a combination!